中国的机器人外科学杂志 | ISSN 2096-7721 | CN 10-1650/R


Robot-assisted laparoscopic single-port pyeloplasty in infant: the first case report in China

作者:刘一帆,高贺云,张文,黄光彬,余山桢,余方,卢丹, 宋学敏,赵国艳,杨琨

Vol. 3 No. 2 Apr. 2022 DOI: 10.12180/j.issn.2096-7721.2022.02.011 发布日期:2023-10-19


本文报道 2021 年 11 月武汉大学中南医院小儿外科应用达芬奇 Xi 机器人手术系统治疗出生 53d 左肾 积水并右侧睾丸鞘膜积液的小婴儿 1 例。手术方法采用经脐单孔入路,同时完成左肾盂成形术及右侧鞘状突高位结 扎术。手术进展顺利,总手术时间 148min,术中出血量约 5ml,术后 8h 通气、32h 通便、65h 拔除腹膜后引流管, 并于术后第 6d 拔除尿管,痊愈出院。

In November 2021, a 53-day old infant who underwent robot-assisted laparoscopic single-port pyeloplasty for left hydronephrosis and right hydrocele in Department of Pediatric Surgery, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University. The left pyeloplasty and high ligation of the right processus vaginalis were completed at the same time with the transumbilical singleport approach. The surgery was completed smoothly, with a total operation time of 148 min and blood loss of 5ml. Postoperative exhaust time was 8h, and time of defecation was 32h. The retroperitoneal drainage tube was removed 65h after surgery and the urinary catheter was removed on the 6th day after surgery, then the infant recovered and was discharged.


收稿日期:2021-11-30  录用日期:2022-01-03 

Received Date: 2021-11-30  Accepted Date: 2022-01-03 


Foundation Item: Youth Talent Project of the Health Commission of Hubei Province (WJ2019Q050) 


Corresponding Author: ZHANG Wen, Email:

引用格式:刘一帆,高贺云,张文,等 . 机器人辅助单孔腹腔镜下小婴儿肾盂成形术一例:国内首例报道 [J]. 机器人外科学杂志(中 英文),2022,3(2):140-148. 

Citation: LIU Y F, GAO H Y, ZHANG W, et al. Robot-assisted laparoscopic single-port pyeloplasty in infant: the first case report in China [J]. Chinese Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2022, 3(2): 140-148.


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